صالون للبيع بالجابريه
10 K KWD
2 Beds
![Property Area](https://static.q84sale.com/images/attributes_images/base_83LiBmBaNjCW.png)
70 m2
One street
صالون نسائ مع خمس عاملات اجار الصالون ٣٩٠ دينار ومعاش العامله ١٧٠ دينار سعر البيع ب ١٠ الاف دينار
Hawalli، Jabriya، Block 1B
Ad ID: 19334514
ام بدر
1 ads Member since July 2024
Safety Guidelines
Make sure to meet the seller in person and verify their identity. It is preferable to meet them in a public place with a friend present.
Make sure to inspect the product and have it checked by experts.
Document the sale/purchase process, including full details of the product.
Do not transfer any money until you have verified the following: (the seller's identity, the documentation of the sale, and receipt of the product).
Make sure to obtain a signed receipt from the seller.
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