Property For Exchange (page for-exchange)

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Residential Lands

مطلوب قسيمة صباح الاحمد او العاشرة للبدل مع بيت حكومي في شمال صليبيخات

A voucher is required in Sabah al-Ahmad for a replacement with a government house in the northwest of Sulaibikhat The office's commission is equally divided ‎موسكو Real Estate We receive all your requests ‎مطلوب from Messrs. Malak ‎ (sale - purchase - rent - rent - and management of the property of others) ‎اهلاً and easy

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Residential Lands

متخصصون فى البدل جنوب صباح الاحمد

We specialize in suits south Sabah Al Ahmed 🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼 @للبدل street land and railway with an order of 2020 and below. The difference is paid to us by Samel @للبدل fill n3 for the allowance with the 2020 order and pay the difference to us @للبدل n6 is a wide street and railway on an island with 2020 @للبدل N9's belly and back for the allowance with Sadd and pay the difference to us @للبدل belly, back and joint island n7 for the allowance with the order of 2014 and below. The difference will be paid to us @للبدل is the n2 angle for the allowance with the request of 2012 and below and the difference is paid to us @للبدل belly and back. 28 m n3 for the allowance with a dam and the difference was paid to the sponsor of the land @للبدل Request the exchange in 2017 with Sheikh website and pay the difference to you @للبدل 2020 request for replacement with non-shared land 🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼 We have other offers instead of internal or with requests We receive your call to offer or request a Kuwaiti management property We specialize in suits (South Sabah - South Saad - Mutlaa) 302/2024 license

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Residential Lands

للبدل في جنوب صباح الاحمد راس على شارعين شارع رئيسي وداخلي مع موقع سد

For the allowance in the same area with the dam site, the difference was paid to us

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Residential Lands

خيطان -المطلاع -الوفرة -جنوب سعد العبدالله - جابر الأحمد

**Khaitan ** 🌹 Instead, one street has a return of 9 m with Al-Mutlaa and the difference is paid to us 🌹 The allowance is for one street with the request of 2007 and later 🌹 The replacement has a corner of two return streets with the request of 2012 🌹 belly and back of a reflux with the respondent 🌹 The head of three streets is a gallery for the replacement with the request of 2006 and later 🌹 The corner of two streets is 27 m back to Badal with the request of 2007 and tomorrow Instead, there is a corner of two return streets with a dam in Mutlaa 🌹 Street and railway for change with Mutlaa ❇️❇️ Al-Mutlaa ❇️❇️ 📍 For the exchange, there is one street n3. Easy entrance and exit with a request for 2011, month 3 and before 📍 For the replacement, there is one street N1 services with a request in 2008 📍 For the replacement, there is one street N12 on a main street with a request in 2008 📍 For the allowance, there is one street opposite the N12 mosque with a request from 2007 and before 📍 For the exchange, one street is N12 with a request for 2012 and before 📍 The alternative has a street and a N10 railway with a dam 📍 Instead, there is one street opposite the mosque facilities with a dam 📍 For the allowance, there is one street N3 opposite Khadifa with a request in 2009 📍 Instead, the head of three streets N4 has a bounce with a dam ❇️❇️ Abundance ❇️❇️ 📍 For the alternative, the head is three streets to return with the request of 2012 and tomorrow 📍 The replacement has a corner of two streets with a request in 2012 📍 The allowance has a belly and back with the request of 2012 and later ❇️❇️ South Saad Al-Abdullah ❇️❇️ 📍 The alternative has a corner of two N4 streets with a bounce with a dam 📍 Instead, the head of three streets N4 has a 22 m bounce with a dam 📍 The allowance has an N3 belly and back with a dam at a good price 📍 A street and a return railway for the allowance with a dam 📍 Three parties N1 refund for services for the allowance with the request of 2007 and later 📍 For replacement, the corner of two streets N3 has a return with the request of 2007 and tomorrow 📍 The allowance is for one street N4 with a 2007 order and the difference will be paid to you 📍 The alternative has a belly and back of N4 on a main street with a dam of 42 thousand We are required and we have an allowance in all areas Contact Bonaser

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Residential Lands

جنوب عبدالله المبارك

Instead, there is a dam south of Abdullah Al-Mubarak I want to make a replacement with Fill in Khaitan and pay the difference to you

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Residential Lands

شقة شمال غرب الصليبيخات

للبدل - مع ارض بالمطلاع شقة على البحر شمال غرب الصليبيخات صف ثاني شقة سوبر ديلوكس دور الخامس مواصفات خاصة للشقة

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Residential Lands

للبدل مع طلبات 2020 وتحت جنوب صباح الاحمد 👍للبدل مواقع مع سدود والعكس

للبدل سد نافذ جنوب صباح الاحمد مدخل ومخرج سهل مع طلب 2020 وتحت يوحد لدينا اراضي للبدل مع طلبات 👍👍👍👍👍👍🏡🏡🏡 للبدل راس ٣ جهات جنوب صباح الاحمد مع ارض سد ودفع الفرق لنا 👍👍👍👍👍👍 للبدل طلب 2014 مع ارض موقع جنوب صباح الاحمد ودفع الفرق لكم صامل علي التوقيع 👍👍👍👍👍👍 للبدل سد نافذين مع طلب 2020 السعر 5 الف صامل علي التوقيع ف حاله عدم الرد ترك رساله واتس بالمطلوب وشكرا وسوف يتم الرد عليكم مطلوب من الملاك بيوت وقسايم لايجار والبيع والبدل

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Residential Lands

سعد العبدالله ق5 سرداب و3 ادوار شقتين بطن وظهر للبدل قسيمه مبنيه

A basement and 3 floors are two apartments for replacement with the tenant. It is preferable to have a ready-made section

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Residential Lands

اراضي للبدل في جنوب صباح الاحمد ( سد ، موقع ، طلب )

اراضي للبدل في جنوب صباح الاحمد ( سد ، موقع ، طلب )

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Residential Lands

قسيمه في الوفره قطعه ٥ دور ونص شارع واحد للبدل مع طلب ٢٠١٢ ودفع فرق ١٥

للبدل قسيمه جاهزه في الوفرة السكنية قطعه 5 شارع واحد دور ونص مدخل ومخرج سهل للبدل مع طلب 2012 وتحت ودفع الفرق لنا 15 الف

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Residential Lands

ارض في جنوب صباح الاحمد N2 موقع 3 واجهات شارع واحد للبدل مع سد لد

للبدل ارض في جنوب صباح الاحمد N2 مواقع شارع واحد 3 واجهات مقابل جزيرة يرغب فالبدل مع سد لد ودفع الفرق

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Residential Lands

عروض جاده بالمطلاع

للبدل ارض زاوية شارعين جنوب المطلاع n4 قريب من الخدمات والشارع العام مدخل ومخرج سهل مع طلب ٢٠١٢ وما قبل $$$$ للبدل ارض زاوية شارعين جنوب المطلاع n8 اخت الزاويه علي الرواق مدخل ومخرج سهل مع طلب ٢٠١٢ وما قبل $$$$ للبدل ارض راس ٣شوارع n7 ارتداد ٩*٩*١٥ علي الخدمات جنوب المطلاع واجهه شرقيه مع سدلد $$$$ للبدل ارض شارع واحد ارتداد ١٦م علي الخدمات واجهه شرقيه n9 مع ارض شارع واحد $$$$

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Residential Lands

للبدل بخيطان مواقع وشارع واحد

1. The alternative in Khaitan has the land of Batn and the main street has an entrance and exit. It is easy to return 10*6 with Mutlaa, a return site @&@&@&@ 2. The replacement in Khaitan has a 6-meter dam with an easy entrance and exit with Mutlaa, the land of the dam @&@&@&@ 3. The replacement in Khaitan has an 8-meter dam with a return of 8 meters with the request of 2010 and before @@&@&@ 4. In Khaitan, the land of Rewaq Dam has a 14-meter return site with Mutlaa, a return site from N9 to N12 or with a section in Naseem or Saad Al-Abdullah @&@&@

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Residential Lands

جنوب سعد العبدالله زوايه بدل مع سد

جنوب سعد العبدالله زوايه للبدل مع سد وصل السوم 40 الف بويوسف

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Residential Lands

ارضي جنوب صباح الاحمد

للبدل بجنوب صباح N3بطن وظهر 28 متر سعر طيب مع سد ^^^^^ للبدل راس 3 شوارع N4 ارتداد 7/9/8 مقابل المسجد علي جزيره للبدل مع سد نافذ وراعيه صامل ^^^^^^^^^ للبدل بطن وظهر n8 ارتداد 7/12 مع سد نافذ جاهز علي التوقيع ^^^^^للبدل راس 3 جهات ارتدادN6 7/8 وارتداد بينع وبين الجار 50 متر مشترك مع سد علي السوم ^^^^^^^ للبدل زاويه شارعين مقابل حديقه مع طلب 2016 وما قبل سعرها 12 الف صامل علي التوقيع ^^^^^^ للبدل n11 راس 3 شوارع موقع شيخ للبدل مع سد او سد نافذ ^^^^^^ متوفر مواقع من السد والبطن والظهر وموقع الشيخ للبدل مع طلبات اسكانيه 2006 حتي 2020^^^^ للتواصل خمسه واحد اربعه اربعه اتنين واحد اتنين واحد

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Residential Lands

عروض البدل جنوب عبدالله المبارك

للبدل ارض بطن وظهر شارع عام مدخل ومخرج سهل مع طلب 2002 وما قبل 🏦🏦 للبدل ارض زواية شارعين ظلال عصر للبدل مع طلب 2003 وما قبل 🏦🏦 للبدل شارع واحد ارتداد 8.7 مع موقع بالمطلاع والدفع على حسب الموقع للتواصل ابو نور

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Residential Lands

المطلا ع ثلاث واجهات بدل مع سد

1- لدينا ارض في المطلاع ثلاث واجهات وارتداد. بدل مع سد نفس المنطقه. ودفع الفرق - التواصل رسايل وتساب

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Residential Lands

للبدل كل ماتبيه

- The exchange is for one street in Mutlaa with a request in 2012 - For the exchange in Mutlaa, one street with a request in 2007 - The replacement in Mutlaa has the corner of two streets in front of the services with the request of 2012 - There is a special street and railway in Mutlaa with a request until 2012 - The alternative has one street in Al-Mutlaa and wants an apartment in Jair Al-Ahmed - For the change in Mutlaa, one street with a request until 2011 - The allowance in South Saad Al-Abdullah has excellent locations with a dam - We have recent and old replacement requests- - Land is required in all areas for replacement- Call and WhatsApp may God bless you Six six three zero seven five five eight

Lands and property exchange in Kuwait

Are you looking for property exchange in Kuwait? Browse our extensive selection of listings across all property types at 4Sale. With over 1 million views and 50,000+ listings, we connect buyers and sellers seamlessly, making your property search smooth and efficient.


While traditional property selling is the most popular option, property exchange in Kuwait has its own place. The main reason that Kuwaitis tend to exchange their house, land, or property is the cultural and family bond.


For instance, Al-Jahra residents prioritize being close to their families; therefore, when offered land in another district, they exchange it for land within Al-Jahra to stay close to them.


Main reasons for property exchange

Based on 4Sale’s 2023 Property Review, Al-Jahra, Al-Ahmadi, and Al-Farwaniyah are the top-viewed districts for residential land exchanges.


The same applies to lands in Kuwait. The Kuwaiti government prioritizes married couples, families with children, and individuals facing financial hardship when granting land in various locations, including popular districts like Al-Jahra and Frawniyah.


People often exchange properties when they need to relocate for personal or professional reasons. Changing jobs, a new milestone in life, or simply the desire to live in a particular district.


Taking advantage of the real estate market conditions is another reason why some Kuwaitis prefer property exchange. By researching the market prices and driven by investment reasons. Individuals can choose to sell a property in a high-demand area and buy in an area with potential for growth.


Property exchange vs traditional sales

While property exchange offers unique benefits in Kuwait, it is still a complex process compared to traditional sales. Unlike the familiar sales process of buying and selling through real estate agents, exchanging properties requires finding a perfect match with someone’s desired location and type of property.


In addition, dealing with legal procedures, making sure the prices are fair, and handling any tax issues requires close attention, market knowledge, and sometimes professional assistance.


Are you looking for a property for sale, for rent, or for exchange in Kuwait? 4Sale is the top platform in Kuwait that connects buyers with sellers. Browse our extensive collection now and reach potential buyers with ease.


We’re always here to help.

What are the most popular districts for residential land exchanges?

Al-Jahra, Al-Ahmadi, and Al-Farwaniyah are the top-viewed districts for residential land exchanges. This is because:

  • - They have larger areas with residential plots.

  • - They have more accessible prices compared to more central areas.

  • - They have potential for growth based on the ongoing development projects.

How can I exchange a property through 4Sale?

You can place your ad in a few minutes through the website or mobile application:

  • 1. Register an account.

  • 2. Click on Post Ad then Listing page.

  • 3. Choose the appropriate sub-category.

  • 4. Add a title, description, catchy photos, specifications, and prices, and pick the district, area, and block from the drop-down menu.

  • 5. Choose the contact number you want to show or add an additional number.

  • 6. Choose add-ons to ensure your ad is seen by many people.

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