Prayer time in Kuwait
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Remaining time
05:18 AM
06:44 AM
11:57 AM
02:51 PM
05:11 PM
06:41 PM
City’s mosques
The Grand Mosque
Sharq - Block 1 - Gulf Road
مسجد أبي بن كعب
سلوي - قطعة ٤ - شارع ١٠٢
جامع القدس ( جعفري )
مبارك الكبير - قطعة ٧ شارع ٢٥٠
مسجد حسنة حسين الصهد
العارضية - قطعة ١ - شارع محمد نزال المعصب
مسج الشيخ سالم العلي الصباح
الجهراء - قطعة ٤ - شارع ٣
My Lord, enable me to be grateful for Your favor which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents and to work righteousness of which You will approve, and admit me by Your mercy among Your righteous servants.” (An-Naml: 19)
O Lord, help me and do not help against me, support me and do not support others against me, plan for me and do not plan against me, guide me and make guidance easy for me, and grant me victory over those who oppress me. O Lord, make me frequently remember You, grateful to You, fearful of You, obedient to You, humble towards You, ever turning to You in repentance and devotion. O Lord, accept my repentance, cleanse my sins, respond to my supplication, strengthen my argument, guide my heart, make my speech truthful, and remove ill feelings from my heart.
O Allah, I ask You for Your fear in both the unseen and the seen, and I ask You for moderation in both poverty and wealth. I ask You for an everlasting bounty, and for a comfort that does not cease. I ask You for contentment after Your decree, and for a pleasant life after death. I ask You for the joy of looking at Your Face and the longing to meet You, without any harmful adversity or misleading trials. O Allah, adorn us with the adornment of faith and make us among those who guide and are guided.
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When does the Fajr prayer time end?
The Fajr prayer time ends at sunrise. Therefore, the Fajr prayer should be performed before the sun rises. The time of Fajr is considered a blessed time, and it is best to pray it at the beginning of its time. If you miss the Fajr prayer until sunrise, it is recommended for the Muslim to offer it as a qada (make-up) prayer after sunrise.
Is Fajr prayer acceptable after sunrise?
No, Fajr prayer is not valid after sunrise. The time for Fajr prayer is defined by the dawn and ends at sunrise.
When does the ‘Asr prayer time end?
The ‘Asr prayer time ends at sunset. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) defined the time for the ‘Asr prayer by saying, "Whoever completes a rak'ah of the ‘Asr prayer before the sun sets has made it on time." This means that the latest time to perform the ‘Asr prayer is just before the sun sets.
Is it permissible to combine prayers?
Yes, it is permissible to combine prayers in certain situations. A Muslim is allowed to combine the Zuhr and ‘Asr prayers or the Maghrib and ‘Isha prayers at specific times and under certain conditions, such as:
1. Travel: It is permissible to combine prayers for travelers.
2. Weather conditions: It is permissible to combine prayers if the weather conditions are difficult, such as heavy rain.
3. Illness: It is permissible to combine prayers for a sick person who finds it difficult to perform each prayer at its designated time.
How do I calculate the exact middle of the night to determine the end of the 'Isha prayer time?
The middle of the night is the time when the second half of the night begins, and it is the time when the optional part of the 'Isha prayer ends.
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