All Science (page all-science)
50 Ads

مدرس كيمياء خبرة وباقل الاسعار
مدرس كيمياء (10-11-12) اقل الاسعار واعلى جودة في تدريس …. اسال عن العروض الاسعار 🫡
10 Hour

مدرس كميا متميز وخبرة
A quantitative teacher for those who want to understand and enjoy studying quantity for the distinguished and weak. If God willing, we understand the first one in order to know how to memorize what needs to be memorized and solved with my hands before the night of the quantitative exam. You need to understand and be convinced. We need a small telephone test to determine the level and find out where to start..
12 Hour

Science Teaching
مدرس اول فيزياء كيمياء خبره عريقه وشرح بطرق مبسطه
A first secondary physics and chemistry teacher who specializes in explaining it in a quiet and simple way to ensure quick comprehension and comprehension
14 Hour

مدرس فيزياء
مدرس فيزياء للمرحلة الثانوية متخصص لصفوف (١٠_١١_١٢) والمعاهد التطبيقيه خبرة بمناهج الكويت (شرح وتدريب على نماذج اختبارات)
14 Hour

مدرس اول كيمياء للثانوي
مدرس اول كيمياء متخصص لتدريس المرحلة الثانوية خبرة تربوية 20 عام بمناهج الكويت وكفاءة عالية في الشرح والتقويم وتميز في التدريب والإعداد للاختبارات من خلال مذكرات ممتازة وشاملة ولا تخرج عنها اسئله الامتحانات
17 Hour

مدرس كيمياء
مدرس فيزياء كيمياء لطلاب وطالبات المرحلة الثانوية للصفوف العاشر والحادي عشر والثاني عشر علمي خبرة طويلة في الكويت شرح مبسط وأوراق عمل وتدريب الطلاب على الحل لضمان التفوق بأعلى الدرجات
23 Hour

مدرس اول كيمياء للمرحله الثانويه وعلوم متوسط احدث اساليب الشرح
First teacher of high school chemistry for grades 10, 11, 12 and science with a great average experience. Simple explanation. Working papers and continuous follow-up reviews. The latest methods of explanation. We started intensive courses and reviews of the vinyl right together towards the full score and excellence. Continuous follow-up with the parent
23 Hour

مدرس أول كمياء شرح مبسط تدريب الطلاب على حل المعادلات بطريقه سهله
First teacher of chemistry with great experience in Kuwait curricula. Simple explanation. Training students to solve equations in an easy and simple way. Comprehensive and intensive review of excellent students, attention to weak students, delivery of information in an easy way, delivery of review and previous tests
1 Day

مدرس فيزياء
Specialized physics teacher in grades 12, 11 and 10
2 Day

مدرسة الفيزياء والكمياء العاشر والحادي والثاني عشر جميع مناطق الكويت
مدرسة أولي الفيزياء والكمياء للعاشر والحادي والثاني عشر خبرة طويلة شرح مبسط نماذج امتحان وحلها التدريب علي حل المسائل والامتحانات ومراجعة المنهج مراجعة شاملة
2 Day

استاذ الفيزياء للثانوي والجامعات
استاذ الفيزياء لطلبه الثانوي والجامعات والتطبيقي شرح بطريقه بسيطه وايصال المعلومه بسهوله مذكرات واراق عمل ونماذج اختبارات التدريب علي حل المسائل وفهم القوانين
2 Day

Science Teaching
مدرس اول أحياء خبره كبيره بمناهج الكويت شرح مبسط حل نماذج الأختبارات
مدرس اول أحياء خبره كبيره بمناهج الكويت شرح مبسط تدريب الطلاب على حل نماذج الأختبارات القصيره السابقة والاهتمام بالطلاب الضعاف والتركيز على المهم وتدريب الطلاب على الإجابات النموذجيه ومراجعة مكثفه للطلاب المتفوقين مع توفير مراجعات واختبارات للقصير الأول بكل المناطق
2 Day
Science teachers in Kuwait
Are you a passionate professional science teacher seeking a job opportunity in Kuwait? There is a growing demand for experienced science teachers at all levels, including Primary, Preparatory, and Secondary.
The government is investing heavily in its educational system, which offers qualified science teachers a range of job opportunities in Kuwait, including teaching positions in both public and private schools.
Physics teachers in Kuwait
There are numerous teaching positions, particularly in physics, to support technological advancement and inspire future scientists and engineers.
To qualify for a Physics teaching job in Kuwait, you must have:
- – Bachelor’s Degree in Physics, Science, or a related field.
- – State-issued Teaching License.
- – National Board Certification.
- – Praxis Physics Content Knowledge
- – A clean criminal record is required to secure a work permit and visa.
Chemistry teachers in Kuwait
Aspiring chemistry teachers need a specific set of certificates and qualifications to be eligible for teaching positions. To qualify for a Chemistry teaching job in Kuwait, you must have:
- – Bachelor’s Degree in Physics, Science, or a related field.
- – State-issued Teaching License.
- – National Board Certification.
- – Praxis Chemistry Content Knowledge.
- – A clean criminal record is required to secure a work permit and visa.
Professional science teachers on 4Sale
At 4Sale, we offer a diverse selection of job vacancies across science teaching. Take advantage of this opportunity to highlight your expertise and secure a job as a Physics teacher, Chemistry teacher, or Science teacher. Post an ad that highlights your skills and qualifications, and opens doors to your next career opportunity.
We’re always here to help.
What curriculum is used for science education in Kuwait?
The Kuwaiti Ministry of Education sets the national curriculum for science education. It is based on international best practices and emphasizes hands-on learning, inquiry-based instruction, and the development of critical thinking skills.
Is there a demand for science teachers in Kuwait?
Yes, qualified science teachers are in high demand in Kuwait due to the government's emphasis on STEM education and the increasing student population.
I’m a science teacher looking for a job in Kuwait. How can I post an ad that highlights my experience on 4Sale?
You can place your ad in a few minutes through the website or mobile application:
1. Register an account.
2. Click on Post Ad then Listing page.
3. Choose the appropriate subcategory.
4. Add a title, description, catchy photos, specifications, and prices, and pick the district, area, and block from the drop-down menu.
5. Choose the contact number you want to show or add an additional number.
6. Choose add-ons to ensure your ad is seen by many people.
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