Job Seeker (page job-seeker)

30 Ads

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باحثه عن عمل بارت تايم او عن بعد

I'm looking for work My skills Social media management Designing posts and advertisements Designing interesting or advertising videos Managing and scheduling appointments A photographer I have two years of experience in the field and I worked for a restaurant, a flower shop and others

9 Hour

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سوداني ابحث عن عمل حارس جاخور او مزرعه او قسيمة او حلال داخل الكويت

عامل سوداني ابحث عن عمل حارس جاخور او مزرعه او قسيمة او حلال داخل الكويت 🇰🇼

1 Day

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مكاتب ومحلات للايجار في مجمعات الجليب

مكاتب ومحلات للايجار في مجمع الجليب الشيوخ مساحات مميزة

2 Day

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باحث عن عمل

طالب عمري ١٧ باحث عن عمل لمساعدة والدي

2 Day

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باحث عن عمل

طالب ثانوية في عمر ١٧ ابحث عن عمل لكي اساعد والدي

2 Day

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مصور فيديو ومصور فوتوغرافي

- تصوير فيديو للعقارات والمشاريع الناشئه - تصوير جوي - تصوير كشتات - مخيمات - خدمة التعليق الصوتي - تصوير استيديو - خدمة نقل الإستيديو والتصوير بالمنزل - تصوير المنتجات - تغطية مناسبات - تغطية مؤتمرات - تصوير العقارات ثلاثي الأبعاد 3D - فضلا عدم إستقبال مكالمات شركات التسويق

2 Day

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شاب سوري ابحث عن عمل العمر 24

شاب سوري ابحث عن عمل العمر24

2 Day

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IT network support

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته مهندس فلسطيني مواليد الكويت خبرة فوق 10 سنوات في صيانة اجهزة الكمبيوتر والشبكات والطابعات. يطلب عمل جزئي عقود أو زيارات.

2 Day

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انا مصمم جرافيك ابحث عني عمل

انا مصمم جرافيك مدير حسابات تواصل اجتماعي (انستجرام - فيسبوك - تيك توك - سناب شات) بصمم برشورات وبروفايلات وبصمم صور ولوجهات وبكتب عقود وبضيف حسابات المطعم على جاهز وطلبات وبعمل فديوهاات واي شي يخص الدعايا والاعلان تحت خدمتك

4 Day

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تصميم فيديوهات و اعلانات موشن جرافيك

تبي إعلان فيديو يشد الناس ويبرز شغلك؟ 🎯 أصمم لك فيديوهات إعلانية احترافية تحرك فكرتك وتوصل رسالتك بأقوى طريقة! سواء كان إعلان لمنتج، بزنس، أو للسوشيال ميديا – شغلي يجمع بين الإبداع والجودة. خل فكرتك تتحرك! 🚀 أصمم لك فيديوهات مع تعليق صوتي يخاطب جمهورك ويوصل رسالتك بأقوى طريقة. راسلني الحين وخلك مميز!

4 Day

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مطلوب وظيفه

شاب بدون اطلب عمل

5 Day

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عامل بناء، معلم سقالة،

اعمال خارجية أيضا باليوميه،نقل اغراض، لا امتلك سياره

5 Day

Challenges of finding a job in Kuwait

Are you searching for a suitable job in Kuwait? The good news is that the job market offers various opportunities in sectors like technology, engineering, and construction. On the other hand, the high competition in the market requires you to be proactive in your search, constantly improve your skills, and build connections to get ahead of the competition.


Even though there are many jobs available, finding the right one can be tough. Here are some of the things you might need to deal with:


High competition

A lot of people are looking for jobs in Kuwait. So, you must demonstrate your expertise, technical skills, and attitude to be ahead of other applicants.. Make sure to update your resume, include all of your work achievements, and confidently showcase your top skills that make you fit for the position you are applying to.


Visa process

Paperwork is essential in Kuwait. Navigating the visa process can be a complex and time-consuming activity. It is important to understand the specific requirements for your chosen field, gather all necessary documents, and ensure you meet all eligibility criteria. Seeking assistance from a visa processing agency or professional can help streamline the process and ensure a smooth transition to your new job in Kuwait, avoiding any inconvenience.


Language and culture

While English is widely spoken in many workplaces, knowing some Arabic will give you a significant advantage. As Kuwait also has a different culture than many countries, it’s important to learn about it and be prepared to adapt. Taking language classes or utilizing online resources to acquire basic Arabic skills will not only enhance your job search but also enrich your experience living and working in Kuwait.


Job vacancies in Kuwait

At 4Sale, we have a wide range of job vacancies in multiple sectors. Stay updated with the latest vacant jobs in Kuwait by regularly checking our website. Don’t wait for opportunities to find you. Hunt them down by actively networking, exploring hidden resources, and developing your skills.


We’re always here to help.

I’m looking for a job in Kuwait, what can I do?

  • - Identify the sectors and companies that align with your skills and interests.

  • - Tailor your documents to each specific job application, highlighting relevant skills and achievements.

  • - Develop strong communication skills to make a positive impression during interviews.

  • - Reach out to your network of friends, family, and former colleagues about your job search.

How to conduct a successful job interview?

  • - Research the company and position by checking their website and the job description.

  • - Prepare your answers to common interview questions.

  • - Bring copies of your resume, cover letter, references, and portfolio (if applicable).

  • - Dress professionally and appropriately for the company culture.

  • - Pay close attention to the interviewer's questions and answer them directly and concisely.

  • - Use specific examples to demonstrate your qualifications and achievements.

  • - Ask thoughtful questions that show you are interested in joining the company.

I’m a job seeker in Kuwait. How can I post an ad that highlights my experience on 4Sale?

You can place your ad in a few minutes through the website or mobile application:

  • 1. Register an account.

  • 2. Click on Post Ad then Listing page.

  • 3. Choose the appropriate subcategory.

  • 4. Add a title, description, catchy photos, specifications, and prices, and pick the district, area, and block from the drop-down menu.

  • 5. Choose the contact number you want to show or add an additional number.

  • 6. Choose add-ons to ensure your ad is seen by many people.

We're Always Here to Help

Reach out to us through any of these support channels
+965 1844474