Other Subjects (page other-subjects)

33 User Listings

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Other Subjects

مدرس تاريخ جغرافيا اجتماعيات مواد ادابية

Sociology, average history, geography, philosophy, psychology, constitution, secondary school, review of exam training

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Other Subjects

تعليم الاطفال والنساء القرآن والعلوم الشرعية اونلاين

Teaching the Quran, the basics of faith, legal sciences, religious culture and interpretation for women and children. There are skilled teachers online with a voice call or video call.. Establish your child with basic Islamic culture such as - etiquette of dialogue - honouring parents - fear of God - good behavior - good manners - Quran sciences, memorization and glorification (for women from the age of adolescence to 50+, memorizing the Quran with Tajweed and proficiency). There are female teachers (only 20 dinars per month for each person and the dates are chosen by the student)

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Other Subjects

مُعلم لغة انجليزية

A special offer to teach English in the hourly system. There are subscriptions for all educational levels (primary - intermediate - secondary) Establishing and explaining the curriculum with solving short tests and assignments with notes For reservations and inquiries, WhatsApp (six six zero eight five zero four seven)

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Other Subjects

Private tour

Exciting learning opportunity for young students Are you looking for quality teaching for your child in Mathematics ,science and English I am Experienced educator specializing in teaching young students from grade 1 to grade 9 Free worksheets مدرسة خبرة لتدريس طلاب المدارس الأمريكية والإنجليزية في المواد التالية Mathematics Science English التدريس بأسلوب فريد ومتنوع وجديد التركيز علي نقاط ضعف الطلاب أوراق عمل ومذكرات مجانية التواصل واتساب فقط

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Other Subjects

محفظ قرآن كريم بطريقه سهله وميسره بطريقه نور البيان ومعرفة الاحكام

محفظ قرآن كريم بطريقه سهله وميسره بطريقه نور البيان ومعرفة الاحكام

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Other Subjects

مدرسه تاسيس انجليزي ورياضيات

مدرسه انجليزي ورياضيات شرح بسيط وتعليم الحروف وطريق النطق تاسيس بطريقه مبسطه وحفظ جدول الضرب ووحل واجبات وطريقه مبسطه فشرح الجمع و

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Other Subjects

مدرسة لتعليم الطلاب للمرحلة الابتدائية والصف السادس

A school to teach primary school students to continue to solve daily assignments, prepare daily, review tests, and submit worksheets to establish and strengthen the child Contact WhatsApp

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Other Subjects

مدرس حاسوب لطلبة الجامعة والتطبيقي - تربية- اداب - علوم - شريعة

✅ تدريس حاسوب لطلبة الجامعة وعمل الواجبات والمشاريع ✅التدريب على اختبار معلم حاسوب وبرامج المرحلة الثانوية ✅شرح الاكسل - الاكسس - بوربوينت - عمل google forms ✅ مراجعة عملي للميدترم لطلبة كلية التربية والاداب والشريعة والعلوم ✅ حل الواجبات والتطبيقات ✅ عمل مشاريع للمتوسط والثانوي ✅ عمل تصاميم ببرنامج كانفا Canva ✅ عمل عروض تقديمية Presentation ✅ عمل نماذج استبيانات google forms ✅ عمل مشاريع ومراجعة لمقرر المتوسط والثانوي ومراجعة نماذج اختبارات عملية للبرامج Scratch 2☂️ Gimp☂️ Natron☂️ Blender☂️ Access💧 Expression web4💧 Visual Basic💧

Teachers in Kuwait

Are you a passionate professional teacher or a Quran teacher seeking a job opportunity in Kuwait? There is a growing demand for educators at all levels, including primary, preparatory, and secondary, as well as for private lessons.


The government is investing heavily in its educational system, which offers a range of job opportunities in Kuwait for qualified history teachers, geography teachers, and Quran teachers. These opportunities include teaching positions in both public and private schools.


Quran teachers in Kuwait

Quran teachers play a significant role in Kuwait due to the country’s strong emphasis on Islamic education and the importance of the Quran in the lives of its citizens. They are more than just educators; they are guardians of faith, transmitters of tradition, and builders of character. Their impact on students goes far beyond the classroom, shaping their values, morals, and understanding of the world.


The specific certificates required for a Quran teacher in Kuwait can vary depending on the type of institution and the teaching level. However, as a general rule, the below certifications are required:


  • – A Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Islamic Studies or a related field like Quranic Sciences or Arabic Language
  • – Some institutions may accept applicants with a specialized diploma in Quranic studies or Tajweed (proper recitation).
  • – Ijazah Certification
  • – Hifz Certification
  • – Teaching Certification
  • – A clean criminal record is required to secure a work permit and visa.


History teachers in Kuwait

History teachers are vital in Kuwait as they pass on the country’s rich history and heritage to younger generations. They do this by teaching students about Kuwait’s past challenges, successes, and cultural development, which helps cultivate a strong sense of national identity and pride. Additionally, studying history allows students to gain a deeper understanding of various cultures and civilizations, both within Kuwait and worldwide.


To qualify for a History teaching job in Kuwait, you must have:


  • – Bachelor’s Degree in History or a related field
  • – A teaching certificate in History or a related field
  • – A teaching license issued by the Kuwaiti Ministry of Education
  • – A clean criminal record is required to secure a work permit and visa.


Professional teachers on 4Sale

At 4Sale, we offer a diverse selection of job vacancies across history teaching, Quran teaching, and other subjects. Post an ad that highlights your skills and qualifications, and opens doors to your next career opportunity.


We’re always here to help.

Where can I find job opportunities as a Quran teacher in Kuwait?

There are several avenues for finding Quran teaching jobs in Kuwait such as public schools, private schools, Mosques and Islamic centers, and online platforms.

I’m a professional teacher looking for a job in Kuwait. How can I post an ad that highlights my experience on 4Sale?

You can place your ad in a few minutes through the website or mobile application:

  • 1. Register an account.

  • 2. Click on Post Ad then Listing page.

  • 3. Choose the appropriate subcategory.

  • 4. Add a title, description, catchy photos, specifications, and prices, and pick the district, area, and block from the drop-down menu.

  • 5. Choose the contact number you want to show or add an additional number.

  • 6. Choose add-ons to ensure your ad is seen by many people.

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